得知自己得了前列腺癌可能会很震惊. 你可能会感到麻木、害怕、困惑或愤怒. You may not have believed or even heard what the doctor was saying. You may have felt all alone, even if family or friends were in the room with you. 这些感觉是正常的.

的 first few days and weeks after diagnosis are often especially difficult. 你可能会有思考、吃饭或睡觉的困难. You and people close to you may experience a wide range of emotions, 哪一个会经常毫无征兆地改变. 你可能会在一种无助绝望的感觉和一种立即采取行动对抗癌症的冲动之间摇摆. 了解前列腺癌和你的治疗选择可以减少这种痛苦,并使你做出明智的决定. You will also benefit emotionally from learning how to take charge of your treatment.

This process of educating yourself is easier with support from family, 朋友和医疗专业人士. 你可以采取的最重要的步骤是,一旦你意识到你需要一些帮助来应对,就寻求帮助. 不要独自经历这些. 让你的家人, 你信任的朋友、你的十大赌博平台排行榜和他们的工作人员知道你的挣扎和任何情绪变化.

学会接受治疗结果不可避免的不确定性对任何人来说都是一个挑战. 虽然不能保证你已经治愈了,但你实际上可以活到自然的寿命. Your PSA level should be checked at appropriate intervals for the rest of your life. Some men experience "PSA anxiety" around the time they're due for testing, but many manage to live without obsessive worry about recurrence. 本指南提供了一些策略,可以帮助您和您所爱的人更轻松地与癌症相处.